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The following poem is based on the titular poem of the Shel Silverstein book Where the Sidewalk Ends, adapted for this week’s writing prompt #TheInternetWentOut.

Today, the internet went out

And before I could check my feed,

How will I know if my posts were liked?

And how will I know if Ye’s all right?

I can’t even grab a single byte,

And Alexa won’t respond to me.


Let us leave this place where the modem’s down

And the bandwidth much too thin

Past that cafe where the WiFi’s always slow

We shall walk as if playing Pokémon Go

And watch where the signal starts to grow

To the place where I can sign in.


Yes we’ll walk as if we are playing Pokémon Go

And watch where the signal starts to grow

For this iPhone, it pings, and this iPhone, it knows

The place where I can sign in.

Jesse Stone

Jesse B. Stone loves science and writing. Apologies if you were looking for the "Jesse Stone" played by Tom Selleck in the CBS movies.

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