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Upon hearing this week’s “Royal Wedding” prompt, my couldn’t-care-less-about-pop-culture self was really bummed that I’d likely have nothing to say on the subject.
Giving it a good college try, I typed into the Google machine: {royal wedding news}
RESULT: Great, now I know that some last-name-less guy Harry is getting married to the chick from Suits.
Next Google: {what is a royal wedding}
RESULT: {A royal wedding is a marriage ceremony involving members of a royal family.}
More Google: {what does the Royal Family do anymore}
RESULT: {The Queen must be neutral in all political matters and can’t vote, but she does have a ceremonial role in the U.K. government. The purpose of the British Royal Family is procreation; its prime duty is to produce at least one heir to the throne. Each heir has to provide a child that will guarantee the survival of a monarchy that began with Athelstan, the first king of all-England in 926.}
Lastly: {what is the royal family worth}
RESULT {In 2011, Forbes estimated the British Royal Family‘s net worth to be $500 million (£383 million,) made up of property, art, and investments.}
THESE FUCKERS HAVE IT MADE. I would love to know what sex worth $500 million feels like.
Fuck $500 million, though.
If you have all this, I think you’ve got a relationship worth way more than $500 million (and you’re probably having sex worth way more than that, anyway.)