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Question 12: Do you prefer to spend your leisure time actively socializing with a group of people, attending parties, shopping, etc?

I’ll put yes. Wait—maybe. I mean, I mainly hang out with Lauren and Meghan. I don’t know if that’s considered a “group,” technically. We have other friends too but we’re like the core people, pretty much. We go to parties sometimes?

Lauren isn’t that into shopping though. She saw this documentary about minimalism and now she’s on this kick trying to get rid of all her Bath & Body Works products and stuff. Except she still has like 40 pairs of shoes.

We were actually talking about throwing one of those parties where you go for like appetizers at one person’s place, then you have the main course at another person’s house and you go somewhere else for dessert, but then Meghan was pointing out that it’s like SO much more work for the person who’s making the entrée than for the person who just has to like put out cheese and crackers or whatever? But then Lauren was like, well we could all just help make all the food but then I was like, why would we have it at all these different houses then? So we haven’t figured that out.

I’ll put “sometimes.”

Question 16: Do you like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job?

I mean… define active? Like, the job I have now is pretty busy but I’m not sure about “active.” I read online that you’re supposed to get up every 20 minutes to counteract the effects of sitting all day. I don’t know if it’s true, but anyway, sometimes I set a timer if I remember and I’ll get up and just go to the kitchen or down the hall or something. So that works. But it’s not really active.

What was the other word? Fast-paced? I guess so. Like, I feel like the pace is pretty good where I work but being in beverage wholesale we don’t have a really busy season the way other industries do. I mean like, I think people get more thirsty in summer probably? But we don’t really put in more hours or anything.

I’ll put “yes.”

Question 20: Do you usually place yourself nearer to the side than in the center of the room?

I guess… “uncertain.” Like, if you go out to eat it seems better to be out of the way, off to the side… but at the movies then I like to sit more in the middle…

What’s the point of this one?

Question 22: Are you are more inclined to experiment than to follow familiar approaches?

Definitely not. Unless you count hair, because I feel like I do experiment a lot in that area? You pretty much have to because your hair just gets used to certain products and they stop working after a while. That’s an actual thing that happens; I talked to a science professor about it at my parents’ Christmas open house party.

Put “never”.

Question 27: Are you are strongly touched by stories about people’s troubles?

Absolutely yes! I got this email last week actually; it was from this lady who was trying to become a refugee? Or she was a refugee I guess. She was from Senegal. Anyway, she had this father who had died in the civil war, but HE had left her this deposit certificate in a leading U.S. bank and she was trying to find someone to help transfer the money to her bank… It was kind of complicated. I was totally going to help her out but the email reply bounced back so I don’t know what happened there.

It might have been Somalia. One of those.

Question 29: Are you are almost never late for your appointments?

Shit. I have to go.

If you really like Jessica, maybe she’ll write you something special if you win The Prompt’s Bracket Challenge

This year’s winner gets to pick our staff’s next writing prompt, gets a piece written FOR them by The Prompt writer of their choice (you know, like Jack O’Shea or whoever), and some killer swag. Submit your bracket by Thursday 12:15 P.M. EDT, talk trash in our forum, and may the best bracket win!

Jessica Dunton Fidalgo

Jessica is a former stage actor who now has a real paycheck, health care and 2 strapping Yankee kiddoes. She’s lived in NYC, Chicago, and DC but prefers a Maine crabcake above any other.

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