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That’s Debatable Podcast: VP Debate Preview – Day of the Dull (Episode 13)
October 4, 2016
Cali and Dave handicap the Vice Presidential debate and wonder just how America’s two most boring uncles will attack each other, along with sundry lines of thought into the ongoing train wreck of the Trump campaign and just what that says about the state of American democracy in 2016.
For more context, here’s the article/concept referenced in the podcast: The Atlantic’s “How American Politics Went Insane.”
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That's Debatable
The official podcast of The Prompt, featuring Davo and Cali, former college roommates, as they agree, disagree, and break down the issues of the day.
Intro track used with permission from the badass GoGo Brass Funk band, The Brass-a-holics:
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