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The internet has long been accused of being a toxic, harmful place, full of conflict and anonymous trolls. It’s hard to deny that, in a general sense, but let us brag on ourselves a little bit. Because since our launch in September 2016, The Prompt has largely avoided that awful spirit, instead finding real personal connection through creative writing, good ideas, and good people. Honestly, it’s been quite a tonic to meet strangers on the internet that are so deeply earnest and good in their souls. 

To extend that positive vibe into your lives a bit more, we’re starting a new content segment called This Prompts Joy, in which we will each share something positive or worthwhile that got us through the week. Each week, we will publish a miniprompt of the things that filled our cold, bleak, post-apocalyptic hearts with happiness, pride, gratitude, peace, interest, amusement, and so on.

The Prompt Mag: Proof that the internet isn’t completely terrible™

Eric Mochnacz

Moo Deng—the pygmy hippo that has captured my and all of the world’s hearts. I mean, her NAME LITERALLY MEANS BOUNCY PORK (also my nickname in high school.)

And she’s just so memeable:

I stan a girthy, body positive queen who screams a lot and bites people when she wants something.

I would die for you Moo Deng.

Heather Beaver

What Prompts Joy? Play. To my delight, I’ve been playing a lot recently. It is freaking fantastic. As I play, I am full of joy. The hours fly by and I reluctantly pull myself away to make dinner. I discover that even chores like making dinner are fun after I’ve been playing!

I’ve been playing by making art. I totally forgot about making art; those memories had lain dusty and almost forgotten in my distant past. Until a friend invited me over recently and we made some art in her living room. I thought, Wow! I haven’t done this in a million years! I thought, Wow, I need to do more!

Could I maybe create an art studio in my office space? Hell yes—I bought paints and brushes and paper and printing materials, set up a table, and started playing. It is so freaking fun! I hang my art up in my new studio space and it makes me grin like a little kid. Art is fun!

Wanna come over and play? Sure you do—we all need more play. Bring some cookies! I’ve got the milk.

Jillian Conochan

RSVPing yes to Heather, for starters, because saying yes to art is an always. Other than that, and I’m late to this epidemic, but plants are filling my life with joy.

In my old apartment, I had a bright, sunny room where plants thrived. When I moved to this pre-stock market crash (1929 and 2008) house by the sea, I told myself I couldn’t get any green friends until I had a room with enough light that they could prosper. At the intersection of luck and timing, a friend pointed me to an end-of-season sale at the Habitat for Humanity Re:Store, which scored me two gorgeous, full-grown banana leaf plants for a grand total of $40. Ever since then, I have sought out verdant beauties including a monstera, a fern, a spider plant, and even propagations from others’ plants.

Every time I water these babies, which is too often and why I avoid succulents, it’s like I am pouring my liquid joy into their pots.

V. Buritsch

Okay, so, I have a lot of joy this month/past week in my life: went to a job fair, got told my résumé is impressive, my son turned SIXTEEN (Happy Birthday!!!!). But nothing hits quite like the return of The Prompt.

There was a brief pause for some very personal reasons by our editor and social media editor (K & J), and I don’t think I’m overstepping to say that we all missed them and cherish the return of their presence.

While I can only speak for myself when I say that The Prompt is a weekly push to do a thing that I love, writing, it has been a creatively formative venture and I hope it continues for long into the future.

Devin Householder

Marley, our Dalmatian rescue pup, has been struggling with elbow dysplasia since birth. On Friday we finally got him the corrective surgery he needed. For a day and a half, his sister Fiona laid dispondantly at the front door wondering where he went. We waited anxiously for updates from the doggie hospital.

Last night we picked him up. He staggered one-legged through the exam room door, a huge plastic cone on his head. I got on the floor and stuck my familiar face into his cone. Finally we’d come back for him. He licked my face for a long time

His shaved paw showed us his spots down to the skin. He’s been such a good boy resting on the couch today. And Fiona has been a great big sister.

So joyful to have the whole gang back together.

The Prompt Staff

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A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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