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The internet has long been accused of being a toxic, harmful place, full of conflict and anonymous trolls. It’s hard to deny that, in a general sense, but let us brag on ourselves a little bit. Because since our launch in September 2016, The Prompt has largely avoided that awful spirit, instead finding real personal connection through creative writing, good ideas, and good people. Honestly, it’s been quite a tonic to meet strangers on the internet that are so deeply earnest and good in their souls. 

To extend that positive vibe into your lives a bit more, we’re starting a new content segment called This Prompts Joy, in which we will each share something positive or worthwhile that got us through the week. Each week, we will publish a miniprompt of the things that filled our cold, bleak, post-apocalyptic hearts with happiness, pride, gratitude, peace, interest, amusement, and so on.

The Prompt Mag: Proof that the internet isn’t completely terrible™

Josh Bard

There are too many televisions to watch (even during summer when most of them are off), which is why I rarely rewatch a full season of a show. But recently I have been rewatching season 2 of The Bear. While the full season does not always spark joy, there are some exquisite moments that shine on a rewatch. Some of them are little foreshadowing winks, while others inform more about characters’ relationships and growth on a second go-round.

But the spark of joy, for me, was rewatching an episode I loved the first time, “Forks,” which centers on Cousin Richie’s stint at the Michelin starred restaurant. I won’t spoil the plot, but Richie’s evolution is patient, masterly crafted, authentic to the character they built, and pays out with many joy-inducing moments.

Devin Householder

My eyes open to a faint morning light, its level of brightness suggesting perhaps 7 A.M. I can hear one of our two dogs whining just a little from their crate, signaling it’s time to rise and shine. After a morning outside romp and breakfast, the three of us settle into the living room. I give them each a bone, which will no doubt entrance them for a while.

Aside from their gentle gnawing and the sounds of the chirping of birds through open windows, all is peacefully quiet. I sip my coffee and resume reading my hard copy of Chasing Beauty, the bio of the late 1800s Boston socialite Isabella Stewart Gardner, my Father’s Day gift. My daughter and her mother had presented it to me in the car just as we pulled up to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston that day (the other part of my gift). We’d always joked about how much I wanted to experience this place but never had. Finally, it was to be.

As I continue reading Belle’s life story, the descriptions of the art and all the loving backstory match perfectly with my memory of each interesting room of the place ISG called Fenway Court. The thought of the day and all of its memorable details, alive again in my mind.

And the coffee is particularly good today!

Sarah Razner

I’ve never been a big fan of my birthday. Usually, it is a day that I use to go over a checklist of everything I haven’t accomplished rather than what I have. As I approached my—shivers—30th birthday this year, I was trying to fight that feeling, celebrate, and see the good. After all, it is a privilege to get older.

When I came into work this past week, my coworkers beat me to the birthday jump. In my office, they had hung vines of purple and blue flowers resembling wisteria from my ceiling, and laid out white lace gloves, a fan, and a parasol, which together added up to one theme: Bridgerton, one of my favorite shows of the moment.

I stood in my doorway agape, and overtaken with joy and love for my coworkers. I felt—and continue to feel—so grateful to know with such kind people. When I look at that birthday checklist, usually filled with things I haven’t done right, I know I have done at least one thing well to count them as friends.

V. Buritsch

I’m finding gratitude in the little things this week.

The blackberry bushes are sparkling with flowers, the Seattle summer is mild so far this week, I joined a new writing co-op, and I am determined to return to the workforce and rework certain projects.

It’s a mixed bag, but it’s mine. And as grateful as I am for all of the above, nothing trounces my decision to work on walking regularly, taking transit, and seeing my son. I can already see improvements in my health, and my son has commented on my progress as well. HUZZAH FOR HEALTHY CHANGES.

Kelaine Conochan

Lately—and by lately, I really mean for the past 10 years—I cannot get enough ginger. Spicy, but not that kind of spicy (not that there’s anything wrong with that kind of spicy). Zippy. Pungent. Strong. Definitely strong, and in a benevolent way. Not like a “might makes right” warlord kind of way.

Ginger works fizzy, as in ale or beer.

Ginger works flat, as in hot or iced tea.

Ginger works sweet, as in snaps.

Ginger works savory, as the best East Asian dishes.

Ginger works pickled, accompanying sushi.

Ginger works raw, as in just about everything else.

Ginger just works. It’s hot, fresh, and assertive. It snatches your attention with a memorable and intentional spark. Ginger tastes like a good kiss feels.

Is there something you can’t stop humming, sharing, refreshing, etc? Get in touch for your chance to get published on The Prompt! This Prompts Joy runs weekly.

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