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I am a killer of women,
no one
more dangerous than me and my billions
of brothers,
all seemingly born of stone
and fox and old soldiers.
Rape is a spoil
of war,
the generals never sharing
the palace riches;
the enlisted men
take their gold from the peasants,
the daughters
of the fields.
And when the battles have all
where is that mad lust to be spent,
that pent up evolution?
Where is blood
meant to be spilled but in the conquering?
For aren’t we fit,
and aren’t we surviving?
Tell me again of the science,
that turns these young things into possessions.
This piece is a response to this week’s 7 DEADLY SINS writing prompt. If you’d like to be featured in The Prompt, send us a 400-700 word response to this week’s prompt and always, we’ll print the best submissions.