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People have been sticking with the same old, boring ass fixed signatures since the inception of email. “Best,” “Cheers,” “Regards.” What if we stopped with the bland, meaningless pleasantries and instead shifted to something a little edgier and more personal? 

This week’s miniprompt does just that. After reading this tweet, we asked our staff writers to craft their own signatures. Here’s what they came up with.

Devin Householder

OFFICIALLY DECLASSIFIED (not that I even need to specify)

Sam Hedenberg



-Definitely NOT sent from my iPhone while at the bar during business hours

Katie Novotny

Sent while spiraling, excuse the typos,


Mike Gural-Maiello

Kind Disregards,


Sarah Razner

Adding this exclamation point out of anxiety!


D. Anner Mitchell

In hope and solitude,

D. Anner

Erin Vail

xoxo – Gossip Girl,


Mikael Johnson

This copyrighted electronic correspondence is presented by authority of the author named below and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form, and the accounts and descriptions of this correspondence may not be disseminated without the express written consent of Major League Baseball,


Jillian Conochan

I ain’t a killer but don’t push me,


Natalie Brandt

You’ve been warned,


Chris Nahlik

No Regrets,


Eric Mochnacz

ABSOLUTELY hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions.

Because I don’t care,


Jay Heltzer

In brightest day, in darkest night…


Karen Gilmore

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Yeah, me too.


Kelaine Conochan

Well, you can’t say I didn’t try,


The Prompt Staff

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