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Of all the benefits of The Prompt Magazine, our camaraderie has to be what’s best.

I don’t mean to brag, but we’re fun, funny, and more supportive than a ThirdLove bra (who we would love to have as a sponsor!).

Our Sunday calls aren’t mandatory, but they should be, because they’re a blast. Our icebreaker questions are cooler than a polar bear’s toenails (what up, Andre3000?!).

We send amusing emails and throw down on Twitter.

The Prompt Mag’s community has grown completely organically thanks to friends, friends-of-friends, and even online strangers who have since become friends. We wanted to take this chance to introduce ourselves.

Meet les filles du Le Prompt Mag. We run the world.



Jillian Conochan

Hair: up

Sunglasses: on (they’re prescription)

Outside of Twitter, you haven’t heard from me in months. But I have three drafts in WordPress at 80 percent completion.

It me, Jillian.

Understated. Fascinated. Caffeinated.

On the periphery, but still here.

Sydney Mineer

Former Ann Taylor Loft employee whose wardrobe still comprises of 45-60 percent Loft items.

Whenever I put together a “look” people ask, “Is that from the Loft?”

My hair is big because it’s full of secrets. YOUR secrets. Because I have one of those faces that says, “bare your soul to me.”

Always looking for a good dog to pet.

Constantly striving to be as bold as my lip colors.

Kelaine Conochan

Overaccessorized? Me?

What I lack in editing my fashion choices, I make up for on the written page.

Your tryhard EIC, sweating through her headband, trying to make a statement, even with her mouth closed.

Sarah Razner

Owner of a dozen necklaces, but still wear the same one every day.

Used to tell myself stories to fall asleep, and now I tell them to other people for a living—this time with facts!

If you think I’m smirking at you, don’t take it personally. I’m just trying to keep myself from laughing out loud at a random joke I’ve made inside my head.

I don’t wear my hair in braids for their ease (although my locks do have a nice wave when the braids are out). They are my way of paying homage to the great Katniss Everdeen, and pumping myself up for Frozen 2 obviously.

Erin Vail

Knowing, slightly judgy smirk: This is my resting judging face. Or, this is me trying to stifle a laugh that’s come at an inopportune moment.

I’m in the center, but low key about it, meaning I hate to admit that I love being the center of attention. I’m also keeping an eye on everyone else and everything elsean observer and a planner, trying to anticipate how to react to others and care for them as best as I can.

Hair is down because I like to maximize my morning time and usually don’t spend time on my hair; it’s amazing it’s even this long in the first place!

That’s me!

Jennifer Racusin

I’m in the back because I got yo back.

I live for high five GIFs and compliments—please send more.

My hair is up because I’m working.

My glasses are off because they get in the way.

My side-eye and half smile are because my joke might not be the nice thing to say but it is the funny thing and I’m internally debating if I can throw it out there or not.

I’m Jennifer. The strong player holding down the rear.

You might not always see me but I am very much here.

Katie Novotny

Hair down and wavy, air-dried, so it’s a little frizzy but kinda cute.

Staring off into the distance at cheese curds probably.

Wondering when I’ll stop having to attend corporate conferences.

If that day will ever come.

Fuck it, yes it’s going to come.

Maybe later rather than sooner.

But that’s ok.

It’s an enjoyable ride.

N. Alysha Lewis

Sorry that I’m late to the party, but! I’m obviously the natural-haired girl with glasses.

I like to be close to the action but not so close that I’m noticeable at a first glance.

I’m the black friend you think of to prove you have a black friend,

and I’m a lot funnier than my social media following would suggest.

My smile is the right balance of fake and genuine,

and I’m probably tired from mentally overextending myself.

Please send fries.

…For fear of sounding like a certain opium-smoking caterpillar, who are you? Tweet us which fille you most closely resemble. We love that you’re a part of our community!

Jillian Conochan

Jillian Conochan is a professional amateur; writing and editing just happen to be two current pursuits. Opinion range: strong to DNGAF.

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