Prompt Images
Peel clementines
Drink coffee
Spill coffee
Clean up spilled coffee
Read The Prompt
Remind the gentleman in the black suit yelling on his phone that this is a quiet car, and cell phone use is prohibited
Put on mascara
Text sleepy selfies to my bf
Drink tea
Spill tea
Clean up spilled tea
Change seats, because the lady next to me is coughing up a lung, and I DON’T MESS WITH FLU SEASON, SON
Eat Krispy Kreme donuts
Listen to my favorite The Bachelor podcast
Remind the girl with the booming headphones that this is a quiet car, and loud music is prohibited
Stress about work meetings
Ask the kind conductor if I could please stay on this train, although my ticket is for another train, because I missed the latter and hopped on the former in my desperation, and I’m too frazzled, I’m sorry
Take a photo of the man who’s sitting across from me and giving me creepy looks, just in case something happens, and I need to identify him later
Remind the two teenage guys talking loudly about Tiffany that this is a quiet car, and loud conversations are prohibited
No longer sit in the quiet car because what’s the fucking point
Give thumbs up to the young banker dude drinking a Coors Light from a brown paper bag
Accidentally sleeve-smack the grandpa sitting next to me while trying to put on my jacket
Periodically flip my freshly washed, damp hair, so it dries more quickly
Keep an eye on a lady’s belongings while she’s in the bathroom
Hold my breath to see how long I could survive if my train/car/bus/plane plunges into a large body of water (12 seconds. Most def won’t survive.)