Prompt Images
scooping cat litter
hiking to Long Pond with Craig
standing up too fast
kneeling during a protest march
tripping on stairs (twice)
carrying boxes up stairs
throwing a shoe at a mouse and missing
throwing a shoe at a mouse and not missing
stretching my back (ironic) while listening to Alanis Morissette (not “Ironic”)
during a set of bedroom squats
during a set of bedtime “squats”
sneezing while lying on the floor
gingerly lowering myself onto a suspect toilet seat in a port-a-potty
cutting a pineapple with a bread knife
accidentally kicking a slightly upraised sidewalk brick
hitting my head on the boom of a sailboat
reaching for a cracker while binging The Last Dance on Netflix
operating the clutch in my car
rolling over in my sleep
twirl-dancing to the song Sara by Fleetwood Mac while using a fitted sheet as a cape
enjoying a grape