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POETRY: Arrival

Just when you thought you had made it, things didn’t quite look the way you thought they would. How do you proceed? What choices do you make?

Heather Shaff
June 5, 2020
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Meet Shaka, the Escape Artist

A 4 A.M. pizza run reveals Shaka’s secret super power. She’s not just a regular puppy. This dog is a skilled escape artist.

Nicole C. Prince
June 2, 2020
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POETRY: Big Magic

A gorgeous walk through nature, understanding the thoughts and energy that come from everything, everywhere, in every direction.

Seth Monk
May 29, 2020
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An Incomplete and Growing List of Things I Might Really Mean When I Tell Someone “Good To See You!”

Oh, hey! GOOD TO SEE YOU. Sometimes we don’t actually mean what we say, at face value. Sometimes, there’s a little more subplot.

Gordon St. Raus
May 25, 2020
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An Incomplete and Growing List of Things Trump Should Be Taking Instead of Hydroxychloroquine

Though it has NOT been proven effective, President Trump admitted he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19. Here’s what we recommend instead.

The Prompt Staff
May 20, 2020
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POETRY: Sundays in Stamford

Remembering the time after church those long Sundays, when the adults were still enjoying their own communion but the kids were suspended in place and time.

Heather Shaff
May 15, 2020
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Profession Confession

So polished. So confident. So self-assured. In this critical lesson, Ryan Fay would like you to know that he’s actually none of these things.

Ryan Fay
May 15, 2020
Lifestyle, Wildcard
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Form Letter for Getting What You Need {When You Need It}

Do you just, like, really need something? And the person you want to handle it pushed back, LOL? Use this form letter to get exactly what you need… now 🙂

Jillian Conochan
May 7, 2020
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POETRY: All That Is Unspoken

For survivors of sexual violence, it may feel like bad memories may have too much power over you. But when they don’t? That’s when you’re invincible.

Heather Shaff
April 30, 2020
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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