There are many kinds of coffee, but only two are acceptable: the good kind, and the shit kind. A poem celebrating a special brew.
We spend so much time wondering whether we’re made the right choice. But what if that was never an option in the first place?
Life. It could all be so simple, couldn’t it? Staring out the window as snowflakes go by, who is to say what brings life meaning?
The D.C. local hoped he’d be anonymous, but instead was caught in the embarrassing act. Who will save your soul indeed.
When we think of crying, we see a face, contorted and downturned. But what about hands, gesturing wildly or grasping for something? What do they hold?
What if we told you there was a new weight loss plan that combined the science behind intermittent fasting with the biblical principle of Jubilee?
A reflection on a restless and unfulfilled Don Quixote. What’s to make of horses and windmills and Sancho Panza when you don’t have what you want?
If the text he received is any indication, Zullo is in real danger. What happens when Siri lies to you? Zullo is about to find out.
Don’t let the title fool you: we know this guy’s not qualified to be President. But what are some of the jobs Donald Trump is capable of doing?