They say timing is everything.
“Who are you wearing?” It’s complicated, if you ask Zach. The originator of our popular list series runs down his style icons, and it’s definitely original.
With life and loss all around us, we have an opportunity to live more courageously and empathetically. Let’s acknowledge ourselves and each other.
Unicorns! Griffins! Flying pigs! Cute dogs! All written and illustrated by Caitlyn Ellison, the latest creative wunderkind to be featured on The Prompt.
George Washington is always so diligent and responsible. So OF COURSE he put up an out of office email response for Labor Day.
These buddy cop movies prove one thing: there’s nothing more important or entertaining than having a partner to complement your work.
Is it natural to have so many anxious thoughts about a Starbucks?
The events surrounding U.S. involvement in Afghanistan are complicated and have been for decades. Here’s a refreshing opinion on them.
Deodorant commercials are sweaty. And sexy? And cheap. What do advertisers think you really want?