Sydney found herself in a real rut. Then, her friend invited her to Hawaii. In just a few days of fresh fruit and sunsets, she learned so much about life.
Birdie is a mean old woman who doesn’t want your help or time. But within her is a ray of sunshine. All she needs is the right tune.
First-time Yelper Jane just got back from a ski trip to Killington. The slopes were great but what about Maureen’s house and communication skills? LOL
Some people LOVE to travel. The sights, sounds, and feeling of newness. Others love the IDEA of travel, but not so much the logistics. They’re staying home.
An old man sits by the hearth, sharing his lessons from years traveling the world. The people he met, the flavors he tasted, the life he lived!
So many are anxious about air travel, but Josh has a different mindset. Flying, in a way, suspends time, giving you the chance to relax, disconnect, and just be.
Maybe there’s a glimmer of hope here. Maybe we’re more alike than we think. Maybe it’s just a matter of finding a place to sit and a strong cup of coffee.
As you stand beside your best friend on her big day, start dreaming about YOUR big day. Who cares about walking down the aisle when you can climb mountains?
Airport bars are where many folks wait between making connections. But sometimes those connections have nothing to do with flights.