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The Boy Who Cried Wolf of Wall Street: A {Kids’ Story} for the Modern Era

Every kids’ story has a lesson, and for the boys of Stratton Oakmont, this is no exception. What is the moral of the story in The Wolf of Wall Street?

Michael Maiello
March 20, 2023
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{Mirror} vs. Table: The {Reflections} of an Airbnb Host

Zach’s Airbnb guests have a destructive obsession with the mirror. But their vanity crosses a line, messing with the overall feng shui and an old, treasured friend.

Gordon St. Raus
March 17, 2023
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4 Mountains to {Daydream} About Climbing While You are Stuck Being a Single Bridesmaid

As you stand beside your best friend on her big day, start dreaming about YOUR big day. Who cares about walking down the aisle when you can climb mountains?

Jenny Zaret
March 17, 2023
Prompts, Travel
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Cici’s {Revenge}: Misadventures in All-You-Can-Eat Buffeting

Despite the warning signs, some lessons must be learned the hard way. A night at Cici’s is nothing more than an all-you-can-eat disaster.

Sam Hedenberg
March 15, 2023
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Simba’s {Revenge}: Jailbreak from the Disney Vault

With Simba leading the fight, the characters in the Disney Vault are determined to bust out of the joint. This is about creative freedom.

Josh Bard
March 15, 2023
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Rummage {Revenge}: The Great Yard Sale Heist of 2019

Is there anything more righteous than the pursuit of vigilante justice by liberating your belongings from a captor at a rummage sale?

Sarah Razner
March 14, 2023
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Me Against the Planet: Punching, Murder, Recycling, and {Vengeance} (in that order)

THE PLANET IS OUT TO GET ME. And I’m not just going to stand here while it plots against me and my family. I’m coming out punching.

Elijah Sloan
March 14, 2023
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Who’s At the Door? {Revenge} of the George Wilson Boys

The New Gatsbys are living large, but the George Wilson Boys are done playing nice. They’re here for the new money. Here for revenge.

Josh Bard
March 13, 2023
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{Vengeance} Is Mined

Let this tale be a lesson to us all: be careful with the seemingly harmless servants who have weapons and tools for hands.

V. Buritsch
March 10, 2023
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