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Walking Between the Lines: An {Interview} with My Crossing Guard

When you cross paths with someone every day, it’s hard to have that “tell me about yourself” conversation. But crossing guard Mr. Lowell has lots to say.

Kimberly Lee
April 5, 2023
Lifestyle, Prompts
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{Bounceback}: Emails You’ll Never Read

After their friendship comes to an end, Dane sends emails to Hugh, hoping someday he’ll reply. 

Sarah Razner
April 5, 2023
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Accepting Submissions: {BOUNCE BACK} Writing Prompt

Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using BOUNCE BACK as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!

The Prompt Staff
April 5, 2023
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The First Signs that {Spring} has {Sprung} in Boston

Boston may be known for cold winters, but when it turns to spring, it’s just magic. Happy Patriot’s Day, Beantown. Go outside and enjoy it.

Billy Hafferty
April 4, 2023
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header image of a person writing in a notebook their likes and dislikes

{MINIPROMPT}: The Defining Things We Like and Dislike

What makes you unique? Inspired by Susan Sontag’s list of likes and dislikes, we compiled our personal little lists of what we’re into/out on.

The Prompt Staff
April 4, 2023
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{MINIPROMPT}: What Is the Most Underrated Emoji?

Thumbs up is boring. Gal pals is overused. But there are lots of underrated emojis that convey exactly what you need them to. Our staff weighs in.

The Prompt Staff
March 31, 2023
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Humanity for Habitat: An Alternative-Alternative {Spring Break}

You know Habitat for Humanity? Well, this is an ALTERNATIVE-alternative spring break. Time to bring humanity to parts of the country where it’s needed most.

Josh Bard
March 30, 2023
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Things You Never Said But I Always Wondered If You Were Thinking During Our {Breakup}

Yes, I think about our breakup. I also think about all the things you may have not said out loud.

Thomas Viehe
March 29, 2023
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{Mallrats} and the Memories I Never Had

While all the other kids in town roamed the mall for entertainment, Sam’s parents never let him. They had some different shopping experiences in mind.

Sam Hedenberg
March 29, 2023
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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