Do you CRAVE summer vacation? The sights, sounds, and smells of the summer simply hit different. This is what it feels like to be hot and free.
Writing is hard. But not writing is EASY! Josh has put together the perfect list for how not to complete your latest writing assignment.
You may never have heard of the monsters that have haunted people for millennia. But they live in Carmen’s words, from now until forever.
You’d think the editor of a creative writing magazine would write regularly and easily. But it turns out that writing is pretty hard, even when you love it.
Sometimes we don’t choose to write, but instead writing chooses us. Your voice is powerful and demands an audience.
A professor tries to teach his students the secret to writing, to overcoming writer’s block, and how to find and live your own story.
Sometimes the writing doesn’t come so easily. When that happens, Melanie tries writing about NOT writing.
In this essay, Prompt writer Sarah Razner shares how stories and writing have shaped her life.
Dan writes for himself, and for others, and for Stephen King and John Lennon’s ghost. There are so many reasons, that writing is the reason itself.