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Killing Time—What’s Left on the {Calendar} When All You Got is Time

A hitman looks back on his life and remembers he’s got nothing but time.

Paul Hébert
July 31, 2023
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{Lies} My Father, a Theoretical Physicist, Told Me

You believed in science. You believed in your dad. And now, your dad the physicist is busting some science myths he helped create. Is nothing sacred?

Jesse Stone
July 31, 2023
Prompts, Science
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Fields of French Fries & {Ketchup} Fountains

Claire is ready to grow up, but her brother Jacob still doesn’t full get it. But he has some special secrets that might be worth holding onto.

Thomas Viehe
July 27, 2023
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Dreams, Drama, and Dinner on {Moving Day}

At dinner with friends, Ty shares that they’ve been having the strangest dreams lately, leaving them unsettled and, well, burning for answers.

Kelonnie Harris
July 26, 2023
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Don’t Forget to Pack a {Jacket}!

Pirate captain Terry the Tongue-taker is one of the most fearsome marauders on the high seas. That won’t stop his mother from worrying sick.

Josh Bard
July 26, 2023
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Our American {Family Tree}

The American story adds to itself with every generation. How do we best honor the cultures of our ancestors while also making our children proud?

Ellen Cosgrove
July 25, 2023
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{Do I Need a Jacket?} Weeping Clouds for Weeping Hearts

Sometimes the simplest of questions can show you who someone really is.

Sarah Razner
July 25, 2023
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Are You There, @Margaret? It’s Me, @God

Finding the right brand ambassador is hard. You think it’d be easier if you were the all-mighty Lord, but you’d be surprised.

Scott Michael
July 24, 2023
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The End to a Perfect Evening — {Do I Need a Jacket}

It’s a perfect evening, filled with great music, great wine, and great company. You’d never guess this is how it ends.

Dan Farkas
July 24, 2023
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