Pop Culture
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That’s Debatable Podcast: Be My Friend, Godfather? (Episode 8)

Davo and Cali welcome The Prompt’s very own Mike Stiriti to discuss the brilliance of The Godfather. From the plot, through the characters, and how the legacy lives on.

That's Debatable
September 16, 2016
Politics, Pop Culture
Photo credit: theaceblackblog.com
Photo credit: theaceblackblog.com

That’s Debatable Podcast: Sad, Middle Aged Men (Episode 6)

Davo and Cali dissect Sideways, one of their favorite college movies. Wine, road trips, and the weird careening of middle aged men.

That's Debatable
August 29, 2016
Politics, Pop Culture
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That’s {Not How} {I Neurally Processed} It: Music, Sampling, and What’s Really Good

Music. They just don’t make it like they used to. But is there something going on with your brain, your chemistry, your biological nostalgia that only makes you feel that way?

Jillian Conochan
August 16, 2016
Pop Culture, Prompts
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The Hills 10 Years Later: {Not How} {We Remembered}

Do you wish you could go back and rewatch moments of your adolescence? That is what MTV offered recently during…

Josh Bard
August 12, 2016
Pop Culture, Prompts
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90s Kids’ Entertainment: What You {Don’t Remember} Might Hurt You

Nostalgic for the simpler, more wholesome 1990s? Uhh, maybe not so wholesome. Beethoven the dog, Operation the game, and other messed up things we ignored.

Matt Guttentag
August 12, 2016
Pop Culture, Prompts
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The Dogs Have Their Day

In an age where live television is a dying medium, it is rare when a media event can truly…

Mike Stiriti
June 20, 2016
Pop Culture, Sports
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Make Ups to {BReak Ups}: How the world will never know the benefits of a Kanye West and Taylor Swift friendship

When Kanye West dropped the music video for “Famous” last week, so did all remaining hope of a friendship…

Haley O'Shaughnessy
June 19, 2016
Pop Culture
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