We’ve got a bad habit of overanalyzing. Of finding cosmic meaning in the mundane. But what if not everything happens for a reason? What if not everything has some deeper meaning?
What is love in America? Fostering painful celebrity crushes, putting those we adore on impossible pedestals. Is it any wonder that a crush is both noun and verb, just like love?
Hey! She’s not allowed to do that. Is she? Lena Dunham is naked and messy and full of mistakes. She writes her own path to stardom, a leading lady instead of “chubby waitress #4.”
Gentrification. Let’s talk about it. It’s awkward and uncomfortable, but when the city you love starts to change, lifetimers and newcomers need to sort it all out.
When you’re allergic to everything, Thanksgiving can be tough. But with family, food, and just a little thinking outside the box, it can still be the best meal of the year.
When we moved from the suburbs to Center City, Philadelphia our friends and family were shocked, as if we moved across the globe. But you don’t need a passport to see more of the world.
15 lines. Every emotion. Who knew the mere thought of pigeons could be so poignant?
Maybe they don’t mean to, but at the same time, don’t they though? Beautiful people. Unbeautiful people. They’re all around me, just making it worse.
After its sales and reputation took a devastating hit, the Abercrombie & Fitch brand is going positive and inclusive… now that people like that sort of thing.