It’s never JUST brunch or a book club with this crowd. Is it fair to say that women sometimes get a little carried away with their theme parties?
With all the sacrifices it takes to be a parent, some wonder why people have babies at all. It turns out, the benefits package is pretty stellar.
The crying, the whining. No, not from the babies. From the friends and traditions left behind. Is this how babies are made? Sometimes it seems like it.
It may not be pretty. It may not be proud. But finding a local bar to call your own is a crucial way to become a part of the city you call home.
Are you an expert binge-watcher? How’s your tailgating expertise? Chances are, you’re smarter and more marketable than you think. We’ve got some ideas on how to spin your skills o
GIRRRRL, you wanted to be more introspective, right? Well, this Myers Briggs personality quiz will definitely help you paint a more accurate #Self-Portrait.
For all the ladies out there, tired of being marginalized. Tired of being viewed as small and adorable and gentle. You are not harmless. #ADayWithoutAWoman
On the road to adulthood, we did a lot of dumb things to disappoint our moms. But how do we step up and face our faults? How do we learn from our mistakes?
My mom was never disappointed. She didn’t play easy like that. She was straight up MAD. Are you ready to hear about the box turtle wrist watch incident?