Seldom are mental health disorders a means to high academic functioning. For me, depression evens out borderline personality disorder just enough for As.
If it were a calendar or a playlist, what would your 2017 look like? What I got wasn’t what I wanted or expected. Goodbye forever, 2017.
In this edition of our Incomplete and Growing List series, let’s reflect on the things that get worse with age. It’s not everything, but it’s enough.
What starts with lying on the couch quickly turns to lying about NOT being on the couch. We all tell innocent little lies. The web grows bigger and bigger.
Greg listened to Tony Robbins until a thief stole his iPod. How unlucky. But winning front row seats to see him speak? Now that’s science of achievement.
It takes guts to hike the Haiku Stairs in Oahu, Hawaii. But the views aren’t the only thing that give you a new perspective. So what if you climbed?
On a yoga retreat with dozens of bizarre characters and a million moments of oddity. It’s hard to find “samvega” while surrounded by an absurdist cult.
So, Mike’s got an idea. In fact, he has DOZENS of great ideas. But what to do with those great ideas? Well, he’s not sure. Got any idea of how to help him?
A 35 year-old who hates hugs but still sleeps with a stuffed dog named Muttsy. What in the world is wrong with this robot lady?