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A Buy or Sell {Collaboration}: A Trip to the Movies

Is going to the movies worth it? Tom and Jesse give their two cents on everything from movie theater food options to fellow moviegoers.

The Prompt Staff
July 19, 2018
Lifestyle, Prompts
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Your Baby Ruined My Life

Babies, man. They’re everywhere. Your friends are having them like crazy, and they’re ruining all the fun and all the friendships. It’s time to rise up.

Mike Stiriti
July 12, 2018
Lifestyle, Prompts
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Adventures in Real Estate: A Fortune of Good Fortune

Real estate wasn’t always the plan. But a little visualization, a few houses, and a handful of deals later and now it very much is.

Cal James
June 21, 2018
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Facebook and the Rotting of the Modern Friendship

Every single day, I cast judgment on my friends, learning to hate everything about their bullshit curated fantasy lives. Welcome to Facebook!

Kelaine Conochan
June 20, 2018
Lifestyle, Pop Culture
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Why I Falter When Famous Strangers Die by Suicide

“Why are you so upset? You didn’t even know him.”

N. Alysha Lewis
June 11, 2018
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Poseidon, Gay God of the Sea’s 2018 High Tide Pride Guide

Happy Pride, all you swishy fishies! Let Poseidon, Gay God of the Sea, regale you with the hottest tips on enjoying the hottest weekend in LGBTQIA-merica!

June 7, 2018
Lifestyle, Wildcard
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Un{happy Hour}

Happy hour is for the girls to have some rosé and catch up about boys, career, and everything in between. Unhappy hour is when your ex is at the same bar.

Gordon St. Raus
June 4, 2018
Lifestyle, Prompts
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Bon Jovi (and me) vs. Time

Despite being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, critics love to pan Bon Jovi, calling them sell outs and “a crappy band.” Josh has a hotter take.

Josh Bard
May 25, 2018
Lifestyle, Pop Culture
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The {Royalest of Weddings}

Do you know how much the Royal Family is worth? Billy Hafferty knows of something worth more than that – the royalest of weddings.

Billy Hafferty
May 22, 2018
Lifestyle, Prompts
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