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A snowclone is a type of “phrasal template” that contains enough recognizable elements that a word substitution results in someone picking up what you’re putting down. Think blank is the new black, or “we’re gonna need a bigger blank .”
The latest snowclone swirling around Twitter comes to us from @DoorHinge9:
And because miniprompts are just microdosing actual writing (thanks, @DennyXmas), we’ve sourced our best in lieu of writing anything, you know, of journalistic integrity.
The television show Scandal is just microdosing real-life American politics.
Serving yourself a bowl of Kraft Mac and Cheese is just microdosing eating the whole pot.
Writing confessional poetry is just microdosing talk therapy.
Making a salad is just microdosing deforestation.
Timothee Chalamet is just microdosing Kristen Stewart.
Voting is just microdosing the guillotine.
Thanksgiving with your extended family is just microdosing the comment section. Or is it the other way around?
Hard seltzer is just microdosing Four Loko.
Picking your nose is just microdosing a lobotomy.
Counting to large numbers is just microdosing infinity.
Eating a cauliflower substitute for anything is just microdosing regret.
Getting a pet is microdosing parenting.
If you didn’t already know, @thepromptmag is just microdosing Twitter’s #WritingCommunity. Get in touch with your best snowclone!