What makes you unique? Inspired by Susan Sontag’s list of likes and dislikes, we compiled our personal little lists of what we’re into/out on.
Thumbs up is boring. Gal pals is overused. But there are lots of underrated emojis that convey exactly what you need them to. Our staff weighs in.
A water bed. A glass backboard on your basketball hoop. When you were a kid, what did you see as a status symbol of wealth, success, and easy living?
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using UPSIDE DOWN as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using REVENGE as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
How’s it going with our New Year’s Resolutions? Funny you should ask. Let’s just say no one’s perfect, but we’re trying to get better.
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using MISCHIEF as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Talking rodents are some of the most endearing and delightful characters in our favorite animated movies. But who are the top 5?
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using FLAMES as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!