A weekly summary of the things that filled our cold, bleak, post-apocalyptic hearts with happiness, pride, gratitude, peace, amusement, and so on.
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using RESET as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Beautiful day, eh? is one of the few phrases in the English language that can mean one thing at face value AND its direct opposite. Let’s talk weather!
Villain Hotties, LADIES NIGHT! We’re counting down our celebrity crushes on the baddest bitches in the game. Consider this our “No Pigeons” to your “No Scrubs.”
Bad, bad, bad, bad boys. You make us feel so good. Erin and Meg define the top 3 villain hotties, and why we’re into them as our celebrity crush.
From Kylo Ren to Kanye West to Kenya Moore to Krang, we all have heart for a character from the dark side. What villain are you not sorry to stan?
Want to get published? Send us an original post where you give a villain the hero treatment—providing details in their life beyond being a baddie.
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post with the setting at a TRAIN STATION as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using LITTLE DETAILS as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!