There once was a man from Nantucket, who wrote limericks until he said f*ck it. A miniprompt to showcase our rhyming talents over all five senses.
Glitter is an almost universally reviled substance. And yet, in a world divided on every topic, here are glitter’s strongest defenders.
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using this image of vacuuming glitter as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Assume you’re a Hollywood screenwriter about to launch your next big project, The Mandate. What is the trailer?
With Facebook on the verge of rebranding and renaming itself, our staff writers decided to pitch some ideas. Got any suggestions?
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using MANDATE as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using FREE LUNCH as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Height, weight, age? Those are personal questions. So of all the infinite numbers in the universe, which ones do you lie about?
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using WRONG NUMBER as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!