Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using 2021 IN REVIEW as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Santa wanted to try on a new suit this year, and who are we to deny that jolly old chap? So we’ve redesigned his look and you don’t want to miss it!
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using SANTA FAN FIC as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
‘Tis the season to bingewatch. So if you’re looking for something to get you in the spirit of the season, here are our favorite holiday movies and specials.
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Rewrite a famous story from another character’s perspective!t
Getting lost is sometimes a fun adventure and a chance to explore. But other times, it’s a meandering nightmare. Where’s the worst place you’ve gotten lost?
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using GET LOST as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Are things getting a little tense around the dinner table? Well, just put on this very special, curated Thanksgiving playlist to keep things calm.
Want to get published & join the community of writers at The Prompt? Send us an original post using MIXTAPE as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!