Storytelling began with an oral tradition before it committed to the written page. Today, technology brings us to a brave new world of creativity.
A Bee Gees classic remixed into a tribute to those nasty coworkers with the longstanding coffee stains in their mugs. We see you.
From anti-oxidant rich blueberries to blue corn tortilla chips, here are some fun blue foods you might want to add to your plate.
A teenager seeks revenge for her best friend, using a cruel plot to punish Tyler for all the girls he has hurt. This is dangerous.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia introduced us to the DENNIS system for finding and manipulating women. Allow us to introduce you to the SYDNEY system.
What are the elements that make Pixar films so distinct and successful? We’re giving you the rundown on what makes them so good.
Sydney’s tastebuds and stomach have a pretty remarkable tolerance for spice. But this time, the rest of her is put to the test.
In Breaking Bad, Walter throws a pizza on the roof in the episode titled “Caballo sin Nombre.” The moment was a lucky fluke. Here’s why we love it.
In just 7 days, Sydney felt her self-esteem shrinking and her need for gratification growing. Are you under the spell or in control?