After the attacks on the U.S. Capitol and on democracy itself, the GOP has some self-reckoning to do. What do you stand for?
WOW, it’s been a shitty week. Instead of going to the sad place in our hearts, let’s revisit something fun. What’s your favorite board game from childhood?
Do you have endless time on your hands due to staying home during the COVID pandemic? Hey, same! So, do you want to play a game? I’ll start.
On the eve of Amy Coney Barrett’s hearings, we lament the passing of feminist hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a plea to expecting parents.
Sometimes it’s so hard to write, it almost feels like ripping out parts of your soul. But you’ve just got to do it. Here’s some motivation.
You know what is bad for democracy? Cable news. But the good news is that there IS good news. You just have to find the right broadcast.
Being an RA isn’t that important of a job, and yet, wow. Some people really let it go to their heads.
Passive aggression is an art form, when used appropriately. You know, like during a quarantine, when your neighbor’s noisy Peloton is ruining your life.
Are you the kind of person who will RSVP with “maybe” to an event or party? Yikes. Better think twice before you send that response.