Times change, and so do the things that we value. Kelaine unpacks some of the most important things in her life, from childhood to present.
Looking for step-by-step tips on how to get everything done that you ever wanted? Well, step right up. We’ve got news for you.
This might be the single dumbest thing anyone has ever written on this website. But then again, there’s also never been anything like it.
What makes you think you’re not good enough? You’re a king. You’re a beast. You’re a winner. What if you finally started acting the part?
Who puts ketchup on a hot dog? Not everyone understands the contentious battle between red and yellow, right and wrong, good and bad (taste).
Things are more complicated when there’s less sunshine and mini golf. Kelaine reflects on carefree summers spent in Long Beach Island with her cousins.
This is more than just car trouble. It’s a crisis of masculinity. It’s hard to know what the problem is until you lift up the hood.
You want to make something of yourself? You want to be somebody? Well it’s not about talent or money or connections. Suffering will set you free.
What would you do to avoid helping your friends or family with their move? Almost anything. This here is just the beginning of the list.