Justin Jenkins
MeetJustin Jenkins
I’m a California boy who’s an undergrad at Howard University. I religiously work out, write, and turn up with my squad. #BlackLivesMatter

From the mind of Justin

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Young, Black, and {Endangered}

Being young and educated carries weight, like you’ve got the whole world at your fingertips. But being young, black, and educated comes with its own weight. And it’s almost too heavy to

Justin Jenkins
May 16, 2023
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The Window: A {Wish} for Something Beyond Right Here

A young man looks out his window into the promise of what else he could be, where else he could be. But wishing sometimes hurts more than it helps.

Justin Jenkins
September 22, 2022
Prompts, Wildcard
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Tree Lovers: The {Recycling} of Loves & Leaves

The world is built for lovers, for trees, for tree lovers. This is the story of that love, and how it endures through the most trying circumstances.

Justin Jenkins
April 28, 2021
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A Woman’s Place is in the Revolution

A young, black male feminist. Is there anything more revolutionary? Ah, yes. A woman herself. A rallying cry for those ready to fight Trump at every turn.

Justin Jenkins
January 24, 2017
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Why We’re Unfriending Because of Trump

To some voters, Hillary may have been a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but Trump is the monster that ate the wolf. This is about more than politics. This is a fight for America’s soul.

Justin Jenkins
November 18, 2016
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Now Is Not the Time to be Scared

A message carrying the audacity of hope that we all hold dear. This ain’t over. This is just beginning. You are the hero in this story.

Justin Jenkins
November 9, 2016
About The Prompt
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