There’s only one thing hotter than the 12 sculpted, muscular bodies on a calendar of firemen. What happens when a photoshoot goes wrong.
Flights are typically a great place for a writer to think, to write. But for some reason, today, she’s coming up empty. Sigh.
Please listen carefully because our menu options have changed. And they honestly make no sense whatsoever. Press whatever you want.
Looking to improve yourself or your life in 2023? You don’t have to do all the big, crazy things. Here are 11 easier ways to start off on the right foot.
Santa has a secret, and he truly needs this to stay quiet before the rumor mill starts up full steam. Can we keep this discrete?
These are some cold-ass turkeys. Ready for change. Ready for war. Ready for revenge. Hold your ground, humans. We’re in for a rough Thanksgiving.
A local hero fights back after a bartender decides not to honor the mayor’s decree that he never pay for a drink again.
So you’re thinking of creating a self-destructing manifesto. The problem is, as soon as your message goes boom, you…
Everyone gathered in the conference room for a legendary brainstorm. In a land where there are no bad ideas, the worst idea wins.