Josh Bard
MeetJosh Bard
Josh Bard is a guy. A sports guy, an ideas guy, a wise guy, a funny guy, a Boston guy, and sometimes THAT guy. Never been a Guy Fieri guy, though.

From the mind of Josh

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{Innocent Lies} I Told My Girlfriend Today

What starts with lying on the couch quickly turns to lying about NOT being on the couch. We all tell innocent little lies. The web grows bigger and bigger.

Josh Bard
November 24, 2017
Lifestyle, Prompts
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Monday Morning Quarterbacking: {What If} Colin Kaepernick Had Never Turned Down a 49ers Contract?

Colin Kaepernick has been dubbed many things in the past year. Protester, attention-seeker, hero, entitled-millionaire, philanthropist, ingrate, communist, antwi-American,…

Josh Bard
November 13, 2017
Prompts, Sports
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“Respect My Struggle!” Doctor Frankenstein Finally Speaks Out

This damn monster gets all the credit, but HE’S THE GENIUS. Doctor Frankenstein finally asks for the respect and recognition he deserves.

Josh Bard
October 24, 2017
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Running Is {Underrated.} Yeah, I Said It!

Growing up, coaches made us run for punishment. So, we learned to hate it. But as we run more miles and races, we see the truth. Running is underrated.

Josh Bard
October 17, 2017
Prompts, Sports
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Welcome to the New Year: Being Jewish in the Time of Trump

On a walk to Rosh Hashanah services, the feelings of fear and frustration were undeniable. 5777 was not a very good year to be Jewish.

Josh Bard
September 22, 2017
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I Am Definitely {NOT a Robot}

I am a real man, and NOT A ROBOT. I can prove to you that I am not a robot by doing these very humanly things. Come watch me be a person! So spontaneous!

Josh Bard
September 7, 2017
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Fantasy Football Fantasies: Acing Your 2017 Fantasy League

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FANTASY FOOTBALL? It’s hard to get ahead these days, but Josh has some novel advice to help you win your league.

Josh Bard
September 5, 2017
Prompt Images

{Two Bees or Not To Be}: A Story of Fate

Some things may have gotten left out of that “the birds and the bees” speech your parents gave you. Trust me, you gotta bee careful.

Josh Bard
August 22, 2017
Prompts, Wildcard
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How Was I Supposed to Know The Handmaid’s Tale Pop-Up Bar Would Flop?

Dear Investors, we thought The Handmaid’s Tale was the best idea for the city’s next hot pop-up bar. Its failure is a real learning opportunity.

Josh Bard
August 4, 2017
Pop Culture, Wildcard
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