Breaking down the death-defying, scariest events in the Winter Games, where there is literally an event called “Skeleton.” KEEP THE GOLD, WE’RE GOOD HERE.
It’s Valentine’s Day and Trivia HQ host Scott Rogowsky, recently dumped by his girlfriend, prepares for another day on the job.
Daniel Jacobs may seem superhuman, but the truth is, he’s just been touched by a divine hand. No matter what science says, he’s thanking God.
Vince McMahon is bringing the XFL back but this time it will be a “family friendly” version, promising no politics or gimmicks, just football and America.
Bad news, Minnesota: Patriots and Eagles fans are coming for your beautiful state. It’s too late to run, too late to hide. Better prepare for the worst.
Before LiAngelo and LaMelo make their college choice official, there are just a few things they’d like to declare to UCLA.
Hey America. It might be time for a little New Year’s detox. We’ve got some resolutions that might actually make America great again. Can ya believe it?
Hillary Clinton lost a primary and general election but served as First Lady, Secretary of State, AND Senator. Sigh. She’s the one that got away.
A simple man walks into a simple diner with a simple request. But the miraculous cosmic forces that brought him to this moment just don’t align. Bummer.