When you work from home, you don’t have the blessing or curse of seeing the same people around the water cooler. Instead, your cat is your colleague.
That girl in the pictures with Brian—WHO IS SHE? Those early days in college, when friends make new friends, and strangers become rivals you’ve never met.
64 badass babes, and it all comes down to this. Will Buffy beat Buffy? Will Alicia Silverstone square off against herself? Find out in our podcast rundown!
So, you really did it. You quit your job. You resigned. For good. Well, GOOD FOR YOU, SISTER. This is your time to make moves.
A man deliberately exposed himself to Rachel while she was simply taking a phone call in her parked car. This is what it felt like.
Some people are just better at birthdays. They find the perfect card months in advance, and never forget to send it on time. Score one for mom.
Did you listen to Homecoming? Are you watching it now on Amazon? Is “the podcast is better than the TV show” the new “the book is better than the movie”?
Christine Blasey Ford’s high school memories awakened one J. had long stored away. All hail the one-piece bathing suit, the 20th Century’s chastity belt.
Your dreams are weird. So, what does it all mean? In this trusty dream dictionary, Jillian has decoded and interpreted the most common dreams.