A monologue shared from a digital stage: the theater may be a different experience in 2020, but there will always be a human need for connection and story.
Looking to close out your summer strong? Head to Arizona for UFOs, drive-through bears, and one last road trip to the promised land.
It was just another day playing in the woods for the good boys, until they found a UFO in their secret hiding place.
Unicorns! Griffins! Flying pigs! Cute dogs! All written and illustrated by Caitlyn Ellison, the latest creative wunderkind to be featured on The Prompt.
Metis and Zeus were equally powerful until Zeus swallowed his first wife to keep her from the throne. The myth is a real story, and the original beef.
Five year-old Arthur Racusin shares his poetic take on the weird new plant at the South Coast Botanical Gardens: the squirting cucumber.
Have you ever eaten nun farts? Neither has Jennifer. But that won’t stop her from bringing “Pets-de-Nonne” and a meat pie to tonight’s Prompt Potluck.
As the #DollyPartonChallenge gripped the internet this week, Jennifer wants to share her unfiltered, disconnected but very connected love for Dolly Parton.
Critics have almost universally panned the CATS movie. Why? Because it’s objectively bad. But that won’t stop us from saying something nice about it.