An inside look at all the people on social media that you know and hate. The rivals who make you sick. This is your Facebook hell.
Talk to your doctor about [ DRUG COMMERCIAL ]. If it works on this virile fire chief who was once totally sidelined, who knows what it’ll do for you.
After mixed election results, we fast forward and take a glimpse into the future. Don’t get too comfortable. The dark days of 2034 are around the corner.
If elected, there will be a lot of talking in Spanish. Plus, some much needed and super sweet perks for bald guys. ZACH 4 PREZ!
When a beautiful woman mistakenly enters Detective Truther Dare’s office, he knows what she’s really looking for. Like it or not, he’s going to solve this.
Having a personality is a commitment. It’s much easier to have other things.
Dear high school acquaintance. We may share a lot of [NOUN] about politics, but your [ADJECTIVE] expectations turn me into a very MAD LIBeral.
When love falls apart, there’s so much to divide. Families, assets, memories. In this Greenwood divorce, this home is no longer home.
ATTENTION ALL FANGIRLS & BOYS: Your blinding enthusiasm is ruining it for the rest of us on a chiller wavelength. Could you maybe just not?