In a year where the Cubs and Cavs broke their losing streaks, this is only fitting. After 14 consecutive years of winning and some unlucky injuries, Army beats Navy. The win streak against Army i
With two losses in World Cup qualifiers, the U.S. Men’s National Team sits at the bottom of the standings and has work to do. How to regroup? And is it coach Jurgen Klinsmann’s time to
The hype, the tradition, and the heart of college basketball. It’s all right here in Lexington. Come and get some.
Despite the endless stream of primary debates, “Super Tuesday” insults and scandals, wild polling swings, and political conventions, this race did not truly begin until Donald Trump and Hillar
It was 3 A.M. on June 10th, 2014 and I was scared out of my mind. I grabbed my…