Are you ready for an inside look inside the American Horror Story writers’ room? The creepy ideas and petty bickering are just the appetizer course.
The irony of sleeping on a friend’s couch is not lost on expat Shan, whose relationship problems began with a friend sleeping on their couch… or did they?
We all know the tropes in horror movies, but Elias lives them. Until that one freak night when things don’t go as planned.
As the vaccine rollout continues, Eric finally has some optimism. But he has a lot more anger pent up, and you’re going to hear about it.
Hey besties! Just wanted to let you know about breaking news in my love life. The love of my life just showed up at my door.
Is that Eric weeping uncontrollably in the produce aisle? Don’t worry. He’s just remembering his mom. Grief isn’t easy. Please be kind.
I’m sure Maurice DuBois gave a fine enough graduation speech, but who wants fine enough? Here’s some of the life-changing advice Eric wishes he knew sooner.
Fully clothed athletes speeding downhill on skis, luges, and bobsleds? Hard pass. Let’s face a cold, hard fact about the Winter Olympics: they’re boring.