Submitted for your approval, an airtight case for my wife’s being added to the April Fools Day and Practical Jokester hall of fame.
The highest rated, longest running drama series of our times seeks its newest cast member.
Two co-eds examine their lives backward and forward as they ring in a profoundly new year.
What do I really want for Christmas this year? Finally, I write the definitive list.
Opening a long forgotten box brings a reunion with childhood heroes.
Are you looking to try a new diet that will make you feel great and superior over all the people in your life? Have we got the meal plan for you!
When Joanie substitute teaches the kids at Sunday school, she’s confronted with questions and new ideas that force her to reflect on her faith.
When the local child entrepreneur Oliver attends little Petey’s ninth birthday party, the adults are not quite sure what to make of him.
A surprise sabbath encounter on a popular business platform. You never know who your next connection might be, or where they’re headed next.