David Borger Germann
MeetDavid Borger Germann
David is a pastor, magic bean buyer, and aspiring mystic. He lives in Iowa City with his wife, two soccer-playing sons, and two budgies named Lizzy & Jane.

From the mind of David

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Should Humans Colonize Space? A Multiple Choice Test

Sorry to report, but one day, life on Earth will end. So, should humans explore and colonize space as a back-up plan? Or should we go down with the ship?

David Borger Germann
February 9, 2022
Prompts, Science
Prompt Images

How Do You Talk to Conspiracy Theorists?

How should a person engage when they encounter a Newsmax conspiracy theorist? Overriding the fear, lies, and detachment from reality.

David Borger Germann
September 21, 2021
Prompt Images

How to Ash Wednesday in a Pandemic

Ash Wednesday offers us a chance for reflection and optimism for new life after suffering. In a pandemic, this lesson is as valuable as ever.

David Borger Germann
February 17, 2021
Prompt Images

All I Want for Christmas is Economic Justice

How can the holiday spirit bring us peace, joy, and prosperity? Let’s first understand who deserves to prosper. Mariah and Mary show us the way.

David Borger Germann
December 8, 2020
Prompt Images

Election Pastoral: The Arc of the Universe is Long

The optimistic promise of Dr. Martin Luther King is only half right. With the end of the election just around the corner, we still have work to do.

David Borger Germann
November 2, 2020
Prompt Images

Aldi vs. The Buffet: An All-You-Can-Eat Analogy for COVID-19 Response

What’s more reasonable? Gorging at an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet in the heart of COVID country, or shopping at Aldi. The answer is obvious.

David Borger Germann
September 16, 2020
Prompt Images

A Failed State: Why Iowa is No. 1 In Failed Pandemic Response

With no national strategy for facing COVID-19, states have implemented their own. For Iowa, that means a complete failure in pandemic response. Here’s why.

David Borger Germann
August 12, 2020
Politics, Science
Prompt Images

Why Am I As Terrified of Momo As My Kids?

Across the country, thousands of kids and parents have been reeling at the so-called Momo Challenge. It’s not just her haunting face that’s scary.

David Borger Germann
March 12, 2019
Pop Culture
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