As an enthusiastic 5 year-old, Grace loves celebrating the Fourth of July. But what does it mean to be American? A parent’s guide.
Everyone’s trying to find themselves. What happens when Cal and his wife try to assimilate with the weirdos and free spirits in California?
What you may not know is that elves are pretty socially conscious. So, they’re not just going to ignore Santa’s official wrapping paper choice this year.
Greg didn’t know how much he’d love improv, but when he hit the stage, everything clicked. The rules of improv are rules for a better life.
Eighteen dollar hair cuts? No wonder it’s so easy to get addicted to the Hair Cuttery. We’ve all got our vices. Who are you to judge?
Wanna get weird? Greg conceived his daughter in a REAL haunted house. But being a dad is the even scarier thing that truly expands his #ComfortZone.
Greg asks the tough questions. Like, what should you do when you stumble upon a sex tape involving your friend and his wife?
Greg’s first tweet accidentally trolled Deepak Chopra. He had just started his Twitter account, but his path to self-realization was far off.
Greg flew to Hollywood because he wanted to be a celebrity, not impersonate one. How a rainy run-in with Rambo shaped his next steps.