Prompt Images
That I take uneven steps
That my kids will become Republicans
That I look easy to attack
That the Starbucks baristas think I go there too much
That all my friends secretly hate me
That I’ll get a disease from a toilet seat
That if I inhale when I walk by a trash can, I’ll get some sort of airborne trash disease
That if I step on a bit of uneven or warped floor, I will sink in and be covered in whatever germs are lurking underneath
That the Starbuck baristas think I expect them to remember my name and therefore resent me for thinking they should care about me
That I’ll die and be reincarnated into a body that will live to see the world end
That if I’m wearing too much of one color, people will judge me for not being more fashionable
That if I openly care about fashion, people will judge me for falling prey to the patriarchy and its idea of what women should care about
That I’ll run out of food in Cafeland because I’m too busy to check on it, therefore losing my four-star rating
That someone is watching my lifeĀ Truman Show-style
That that person wishes I’d stop listening to the same album on repeat all day
That my husband’s cat wants to murder me
That any large group of birds I see hanging out on telephone polls is secretly plotting the downfall of humanity
That I’ll actually succeed at something and have to concede that I’m not the failure I think I am
That the Starbucks baristas judge me for getting the same order every time