Prompt Images
Room temperature water is better than ice water
High heels are torture
It is not embarrassing to pick your nose
Lactose intolerance isn’t real
If you don’t abide by the social contract of zippering in a traffic merge, you should be hit by a red shell
Flossing your teeth is a spiritual act
There’s a difference between having a dog and being a “dog person,” and dog people must be stopped
Cake is mostly not good
Cupcakes are only good if they’re in ice cream cones
Golf is elitist and boring
Sideline cheerleading is not a sport
Being called “nice” is actually an insult
People who like winter are lying
If you are able-bodied and tall enough to reach, you should be strong enough to lift your luggage into an overhead carrier and no one should ever help you
Anyone who has not ever been a teenage girl should have to watch PEN15 and write an empathetic report on what they learned about being a teenage girl
Omar Little is the best character to ever be on television
The “apple core” is a useless myth—you can eat everything but the seeds
Sandwiches are better when they’re soggy
Sleeping in socks is an excellent choice
Everyone should travel to a place where you don’t speak the native language
Picky eaters are not invited