Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using LOVE LANGUAGE as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
There’s no stopping the momentum once you’ve got your heart set on a vanity plate. But the DMV—buzzkill of all buzzkill—can still reject your dreams.
Mrs. Cherrybloom isn’t scared of death. She knows that it’s her time to go. But there’s just one more visit she’d like to make before it’s over.
As a kid, death is abstract and far off, almost impossible to conceive. But as we grow older, playing in graveyards feels like tempting fate.
If you leave 500 monkeys with a typewriters for long enough, how long until they type Shakespeare? How long until they type something usable at all?
Is there anything worse than those late hours of the night, when you just can’t sleep? Welcome to the comments section. Enter at your own risk.
Are you feeling confused, left out, or like all of Gen Z is making fun of you? This guide will help you stay unbothered, moisturized, and in your lane.
The parents are really the make-or-break point for Family Double Dare. How does Dad hold up under the pressure? Not great, folks.
A weekly summary of the things that filled our cold, bleak, post-apocalyptic hearts with happiness, pride, gratitude, peace, amusement, and so on.