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A Homeroom Acknowledgement: Bullies, Marks, and the Things We Do to Survive

For some, the horrors of homerooms are hard to shake off. The pain of the unpopular can carry with them far too long, and that pain makes people do terrible things.

Tom O'Gara
September 5, 2023
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Barbenheimer: A Truly Unique Perspective on This Year’s Hottest Cinematic Story

A truly unique perspective on Barbenheimer, seeing both films for their true colors—light and dark, pink and black—in a whole new way.

Josh Bard
September 5, 2023
Pop Culture
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Why Am I Watching This? Teen Wolf

Is Teen Wolf a good TV show? Not exactly. But everyone’s hot, the pacing is psychotic, and Erin can’t stop watching!

Erin Vail
September 1, 2023
Pop Culture
a camera lifted high up to capture a photo of a celebrity couple
a camera lifted high up to capture a photo of a celebrity couple

#MemePrompt: Justin and Hailey Bieber’s Outfits at Krispy Kreme Are Going Viral

Can it still be a walk of shame if you’re married? Mr. and Mrs. Bieber were a study in contrasts this week when they went to Krispy Kreme. Let’s meme this!

The Prompt Staff
September 1, 2023
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Franklin Mills Mall: School Shopping or Torture Chamber?

School shopping at the Franklin Mills Mall was a summer tradition in the Conochan household. Kelaine recounts the trauma and triumph.

Kelaine Conochan
August 31, 2023
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The Mall: More than a Job, a Destination, or a Senior Skip Day

The mall. The only place to hang out with your friends, get your first job, get your ears pierced, and overcharge on Beanie Babies.

Jillian Conochan
August 31, 2023
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A Chronic Issue: Dealing with Body Issues, Image, and Diagnosis

After years of trying, Jessica thought she was finally losing weight the way she had always hoped. It turned out to be much worse.

Jessica Lulka
August 29, 2023
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Perfume Commercial

If Zach Straus had a standup tour in 2004, the third bit would have started “Man, you know what’s crazy? PERFUME COMMERCIALS, right? [LAUGH BREAK] I mean, who writes that stuff?”<

Gordon St. Raus
August 29, 2023
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BDE or Why I Hate Pants: My Personal Body Issue

Ryan Fay rocks a sweet dad-bod and ain’t afraid to show it. But it’s not the thicc thighs or Beyoncé booty that make him hate shopping for pants.

Ryan Fay
August 28, 2023
About The Prompt
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