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Accepting Submissions: {PHOTOGRAPH} Writing Prompt

Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using PHOTOGRAPH as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!

The Prompt Staff
November 6, 2023
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Expelling the Ghost of {Self-Destruction}: Broken Glasses, Car Alarms & The Quarantine

Is Sydney’s apartment cursed? With all the broken wine glasses and the sounds of her car alarm blaring, she’s on a quest to drive out the negativity.

Sydney Mineer
November 3, 2023
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Ghosted by a {Ghost}: A Haunting Little {Breakup}

As Ryan Fay found out the hard way, love is not always mutual or permanent. Even though the immortal afterlife is. Getting ghosted is brutal.

Ryan Fay
November 3, 2023
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The Spirit of the Woods: Running from the {Ghosts}

Adelaide’s mother had always warned her of the terrors lurking nearby. It’s often hard to shake those fears, but in the end it’s freedom.

Sarah Razner
November 3, 2023
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{Trick or Treat}: What {Ghosts} Are Made Of

Rosie and Bryan might be too old to go trick or treating. But after her mom died suddenly, Bryan just wants to give her a chance to smile.

Sarah Razner
November 2, 2023
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{Ghost}—Part Two

…he swallowed the last of his ego and sent another text. No reply. Crestfallen, Daragh knew the worst was true. Or did he? A modern ghost story: Part Two

Daragh Fleming
November 2, 2023
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{Truth or Dare}: The Tale of the Money {Ghost}

Summer is so close we can taste it! That means field trips, ghost stories, and Truth or Dare. Jenny Zaret has all three for you, right here.

Jenny Zaret
November 1, 2023
Prompts, Wildcard
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{Ghost}—Part One

When Daragh loped into easy but thrilling banter with a pretty girl from the interwebs, he looked forward to meeting her IRL. A modern ghost story: Part One

Daragh Fleming
November 1, 2023
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To Be or Not To Be a {Missed Connection}: m4ghost

MISSED CONNECTION: You were a ghost who looked and sounded exactly like my recently deceased father. I was an indecisive and nervous prince.

Josh Bard
October 31, 2023
Prompts, Wildcard
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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