Things aren’t the same anymore between Maeve and Charlotte. The tension between these ex-best friends has gotten a little out of hand.
AI is famously not great at any humor more nuanced than knock-knock jokes. How will it fare at crafting absurdist article titles fit for McSweeney’s?
For many, the Age of the Selfie means overdocumentation and oversharing of every moment. Others have stepped out of frame and out of focus. But why?
Todd Guberman is deleting his Facebook. For real this time. We reflect on the impact his profile pics leave on the art world. We’ll miss you, Todd.
We all know these people. Too many of these people. They’re everywhere. They’re boring. And we’re begging for it to stop.
Someone or something gave you the idea that you had an aptitude for writing. In this month of thanks, whom/what do you want to give a shout out?
Melanie recounts her experience growing up as a Jewish girl, despite her mother’s efforts to hide that identity from the outside world.
Have you ever wanted anything more than the laser backdrop for a school picture? And were you, like millions of kids, denied the opportunity?
Shutterfly loves to send memory emails, in hopes that you’ll buy a print. But what if those memories are of a past life that doesn’t quite feel warm and fuzzy?